Monday, December 29, 2008


I just ripped thru Daniel Negreanu's blog.. Seems he's making some changes for 2009. Slowing down. Being more selfish.. He wants to play more golf and he is going to slow down with giving away all his TIME and poker secrets..

He plans on making the WSOP his number one PUSH in 2009.

I wish him well...

I feel sorta the same as Daniel - except to a much smaller degree. (and I'm not talking poker) I need to slow down.

- No - I have it wrong..

I need to slow down... AFTER I speed up - I have a few more major projects to complete and then - I'm taking it a lot more easy.. Over the past 3 years - I've done major projects on my 100 year old home(s) - to make it modern and more like.. ME. (I added a little VEGAS lighting) I did so with every extra dollar (many thousands) and even some of my poker bank roll.. (OMG!)

Odd.. I expect when my life projects are done (and I know they will never totally be DONE) - I'll be playing more poker. The MAJOR stuff is behind me! (THANK GOD!)

I often Wonder if I'll ever get to a point where I'm looking for yet another rest from the felt.. (I have had this happen in the past..) I get where DANIEL is coming from.. needing to SCALE back.. (I'm sure his hours involved with poker CRUSHES mine - and I've played a load of poker..)

For right now - I'm tired of WORKING the regular work.. (too much work - DIRTY work - for too long - WEARS YOU DOWN) Funny how one man looks to LEAVE poker behind a little and another - is looking to GET back into it all HARD CORE.. (me) I guess this is why the game will go on FOREVER!

God help me to get to a point like the TV poker players - I'd love to wake up and worry about playing "more" GOLF.. or Getting my POOL game better... (I hate golf)

I think many - but I'm sure not ALL of the TV poker PROS - are sitting SO good that they don't have to worry much about house projects - like a leaky roof.. I do havre these worries - and I'll bet many reading this here blog do as well..

How nice for them..

For us - It's just a dream to "just play poker" for the fun of it.. Most of the ROUNDERS are playing to Pay rent - OR at least to have a vacation - etc.. (One vacation) or to buy a few EXTRA nice toys in life - In short - To many of us POKER is a hobby that PAYS.. sometimes.

Other times - POKER IS THE DEVIL.

Blah blah blah...

The point I'm trying to make is this.. Many of us REGULAR POKER JOES (Hey! - Do a search today for POKER JOES!) Many of us POKER JOES will never sit in a game and be able to experience what it's like to PLAY without the WORRY of losing "THE BUY IN".. With us - We have 1 or two buy ins... and then it's BACK TO THE EXPRESSWAY - HOME.. DREAMING of the NEXT TRIP.

It must be cool for Daniel - to be able to - well - be Daniel.

I'm not HATING on Daniel either.. He's got a good thing going and I'm happy for him.. He's great for poker and just a good guy. It's just - I'd like to PLAY at the level they play - and do it without sweating the buy ins...


Then again.. I wanted to play in the ROCK GROUPS AC/DC and KISS when I was a child and Huh.. it never happened..

What do you think?

Head on over to XFILESPOKER.COM and sign up in the forum - and let us know..

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Oh and be nice kinda sorta.. lol