The new system will ALLOW
better players to send POOR Players to the RAIL - Just like a REAL GAME.
If you are ANY kind of poker player.. you know that ***ANY*** FORUM YOU VISIT (WHOOPS - I'm yelling at everyone)
Every game that you play online -
In chat - on the forum boards etc..
It's the same old song... People RANTING "online is rigged" "expected that beat" "saw that coming" "online poker is a sham" (I know.. I do it - every day - few times a day ..SAD PART - I COME TO KNOW WHEN TO EXPECT IT EVEN... It's Always... in key hands, where players against me, MAKE INSANE CALLS - on weak draws, and poor odds) AND THEN LIKE magic - (OR AS I LIKE TO CALL IT -
The online luck train) Hits them and gives them WHATEVER THEY NEED.
Look. I ran a live game for years ( a pretty serious game in the end) - YES! IT was LIVE! YES! It was much SLOWER..
(I'm yelling again)
But one fact was easy to see - PLAYERS MAKING BAD CHIOCES - LOST way more than players with skills, & quality play.. from position for the most part... but not always..
FOR some STRANGE reason - THE SAME LAW OF %'S , PROB. and STATS - does not work ONLINE.. Hmmmmm. Math in live game holds up - Math Online? -
MAny of us LOSE to the weak draw 80% of the hands..Online is suspect at the very least.
During my years of live play and game running.. (to tell the truth)
I seen
some NIGHTS where the dogs won.. sure.. it happened from time to time. - THEY GOT UBER LUCKY and crushed the better players..
(Key - The better players are easy to spot in live games - They are the ones you ALWAYS see cashing out ahead 90% of the time) Most nights however - the LUCK did not hit that low % draw for the weak skilled poker player.. and the UBER WEAK player was sent packing.. and FAST! Or He/she was forced to BUY IN AGAIN.. (Usually to lose that as well)
(boy I miss the LIVE action)
Online is about a fair as - well - Uncle Sam.
BAIL OUT anyone?Come to debate me on this subject in deatil if ya ont to.. (I'LL TRY NOT TO YELL) -
In a short time - you will see ALL the online CHATTERS that RANT about the bad beats... hanging out over with us.... We are like the MISS FIT TOYS of the online poker world ! (we see the truth - Others can't handle the truth) **BUT*** YOU have to ask yourself this KEY question.. What if we are all right and MOST PLAYERS ARE BEING SCAMMED with action flops, set hands,or worse yet - PLAYERS That can SEE YOUR CARDS! (yeah - that will never happen right???) 60 minutes anyone?
The site is up LESS than a month and we have many already TALKING up a storm. (in the forum) I think there are MANY, MANY pissed off players (players of quality) that are going to eventually FIND us and join us! Please (if you can - at least let them know we are out there)
It will help us! It will help POKER JOES!
NOT TO LEAVE YOU ON A DOWN NOTE - Last thing we would ever want to do - WE LOVE POKER TOO MUCH!
Over at xfiles - we are working on a FIX for online poker.. (holy shit Tom.. NO WAY YOU SAY?) Maybe you would like to JOIN us in making ONLINE POKER a little more fair for all.. We are building an ARMY!
YES! the NEW SYSTEM WILL OFFER AFFILIATES TOO I'M TOLD.. and hopes to be up and testing soon.. AND GET THIS.. IF WE will get in EARLY! (think of all the new sign ups) AFFILIATES DREAM TO GET IN ON GROND FLOOR.
THIS NEW SYSTEM (are you sitting) has a UNIQUE TIWIST TO IT.. The new system will ALLOW
better players to send POOR Players to the RAIL - Just like a REAL GAME.
Let's say that one again.. Maybe you did not catch it the first time..The new system will ALLOW better players to send POOR Players to the RAIL - Just like a REAL GAME.Crazy stuff - huh?
(That thought - kinda makes YOU feel all warm and fuzzy inside if you are a better player)
Poor players to the rail.. (say it with me) - The truth is out there
Come today and join in the debate!THANKS JOE! FOR SENDING US ANY OF THE PLAYERS HERE that MIGHT AGREE that online is NOT totally on the up and up....
To the players! (You can.. and I expect you will take any SIDE you want to on this HOT TOPIC subject)
We will be sending players (new ones) to POKER JOES soon I'm sure.
Maybe we can even get a FORUM vs. FORUM going someday soon! 5 or 10 players a team (we are small yet)