Tuesday, November 18, 2008

When you are playing poker for years.. you tend to forget some things..

It's no secret that I'm playing poker since 1991. Pretty long time. I've however played with many rounders that played many, many, more year than I ever did.

A good number of years ago - when I was in a pretty long slump - One of my teachers suggested that I STOP playing and just watch... Choose a player that YOU know to be better than average and just watch.

Tonight - I did just that... (Not that I'm in a slump) I searched for the player and JUST watched him play..

Then came this hand..

I'll try and remember the action..

He was in late POS.. It was raised to him and he re-raised - It got capped before the flop. Then came a board (see image) and the first to act BET OUT.. one caller, two caller... (no more raises) Turn.. Same. River.. (4th heart) Bet out - , FOLD.. and RAISE... Hmmmmmm (Anyone want to guess what LATE POSITION has?)


and a call..

Late position takes in a NICE pot.

Anyways... I don't even play at this level.. and I sometimes QUESTION the hell out of the PLAY I see when I do.. but over all.. This player just KEEPS sitting there with some major cash.. So - let's face it.. He must be doing something right.

I sprayed his name out - because it does not seem fair to him.. for me to exploit him like that.. or to make him a target for future banter in chat.

The point of this little blog today is to tell you - ONE THING. If you ever get in a rut or if you start to question your play (too loose or too tight) - Give a look at some other players play for a few hours....

Who knows - you might even learn something. (without losing a dime)

Best of luck to all of you.. I hope you all will POP on to my new poker site X-Files Poker! CLICK HERE! JOIN UP AT THE FORUM and maybe sign our guest book..

X-Files poker is a NEW way at looking at online poker.. It asks tougher questions... or at least it will - HELL, it's only a few days old.

Anyways.. Here is a picture of one really sweet CASH pot from a game on FULL TILT POKER.

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Hi guys! If you want to take a poke at me - go nuts! Just be ready for what ever I dish back at ya... It's a two way street...

Oh and be nice kinda sorta.. lol