Sunday, November 2, 2008

Check out this COOLER hand in the 5K Qualifier on SPADECLUB

The first picture here.. says it all.. (NO! On-line SITES don't PRODUCE action or anything like that.. NO no.... Lmao.)

YOU SEE HANDS LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME ONLINE (all my friends REPORT this sorta thing "everyday" "night and day") - ANd ALWAYS "LATE IN THESE GAMES..." CMON! Cooler after COOLER after COOLER! (Why can't these player JUST go to the rail like in LIVE games) At least more often.. THEY just GIVE these bad moves the LUCK TRAIN turn "AND" river in most cases.. (ALL OF YOU with a brain KNOW IT'S TRUE)

It's OK - It has a happy ending..


(I will PLAY TIGHT and get back into the game) Yeah.. that's the ticket!

I finished 8th - (MY SEAT WAS RIGHT THERE - "in that BIG EMPTY GREY AREA OF THAT TABLE") I managed to grab MY ENTRY INTO THE NEXT 5K match I guess.. Looks like 2000 players though.. so it's an UPHILL CLIMB..

I don't really know - I'm very new to SpadeCLub.

SPADECLUB is about all I can handle (on line) - I can't get over HOW many SICK sick hands I'm forced to watch happen - AND THEN - to be forced to believe (I never will) that it's not FORCED - "non random - "known action"

You decide for yourself.. (Dig deep and GO with your gut)

I hope your day is ALL A's tomorrow.. Thanks for popping in here and reading my blog.
(Please sign my guest book)

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Oh and be nice kinda sorta.. lol