Not sure why I'm bald in this video.. but it works.. This is the video mentioned in the previous post I post it here for FACEBOOK, etc The VOICE of PENNSYLVANIA POKER MrXfilespoker |
Used to be a blog that questioned everything about live poker,online poker,live gaming and well. Life. Now it deals out ANYTHING I want write about. Like my quest for #1win w/major poker tourney,or how Political correctness got nuts! Why I think Washington D.C. Sold us out! God Bless our Troops/GOD Bless the USA! Time to round up those accountable for the mess and get them before the JUDGE, People got too GREEDY,Big Bizz,Politics,Media and Insurance. The days of ME,ME,ME must STOP,STOP,STOP!
Not sure why I'm bald in this video.. but it works.. This is the video mentioned in the previous post I post it here for FACEBOOK, etc The VOICE of PENNSYLVANIA POKER MrXfilespoker |
This past week sure was busy for Big Daddy! New links and events added to the site - (From here on in, known as "XFP") This week I re-learned something. (Something Major) Moss does not grow on a rolling stone.... We have to keep ourselves moving. I "feel so alive..." LOL. It may sound silly but just like MATT DAMON'S line in the poker movie ROUNDERS. (It's true) I have to be ME. I just plain love poker, I just love MEETING & READING PEOPLE. I'm not sure I'll ever know why I LOVE poker and POKER PLAYERS so much.. Guess poker is in my blood. Guess I'm a goner. This week, Joe Navarro - The Nonverbal Expert gave XFP his blessings on a special forum on "Poker TELLS." Joe is famous to all us rounders due to his connection with the poker brat himself Phil Hellmuth. His sharing of information is fantastic.. I hope all reading this blog will buy his books! (He's a good man with much to offer to your poker game) This alone, (Meeting Joe on-line) would have made me happy. but no no.. so much more was in store for me. Thank you Mr. Navarro. Here is link to Joe's site By the way... Navarro-tells web site click here - If you are on TWITTER - Follow Mr. Navarro and I, as we are always twittering back and fourth. (follow @navarrotells and @xfilespoker) Another big thing that happened was the hooking up with some "really special" new XFP forum members.. Fellow blood brothers & sisters @kimshannon @callmeroger @callmecaveman @morieeel to name just a few. You can meet them all on TWITTER. Kim and the crew - really GET my whole concept behind the XFP WEB SITE - and in a very short time they have ignited a very exciting forward motion of growth. @rezzzpoker @Sycostevesethe1st @mretiface and many many more who have been with us since day one - Also need mention. (If I forgot anyone.. it's just my lack of sleep) Let me know and I'll make the fix. My forum guys and gals (Kim's doing) topped off my week with a MAJOR cherry - A video showing some of the male member's from my poker forum.. KIM, I luv ya. Here is the VIDEO - THE MEN of XFP - ENJOY! So much happened this week... Can't remember it all.. and I know the coming weeks are going to be even better. Added this past week.. TWITTER POKER TOUR LINKS, #TPT hash tag on TWITTER. "Tom's Stashed Cash.." plus regular scheduled poker games on FULL TILT POKER - for XFP forum members... XFP on-line poker GAME CALENDAR Also added was the XFP NEWS LINK... Last but not least.. (Mother-ship) It's CLOSE.. So close! Soon we will have an on-line poker site with real integrity.. Soon my members will be able to PLAY POKER ON-LINE! Instead of PLAYING ON-LINE POKER.. (No way that RNG is random.. sorry folks) Soon! Soon. Stand by.. 'speaking with mother-ship almost daily and he's posting in the forum as well.. (Mrrealdeal) OK.. Who wants to play some poker! Download the FULL TILT SOFTWARE HERE and enter the BONUS CODE "Santa." Most our on-line poker games are LOW LIMIT buy ins or Free rolls. NO DEPOSITS REQUIRED for FREE ROLLS. Hope you're all flopping quads today.. See ya on the poker forum. The VOICE of PENNSYLVANIA POKER MrXfilespoker |
I love lines like the title of this blog. (Andrew Jackson I respect) I have these words of Mr. Jackson's, framed and hanging on the walls of my living room. The man running the event today (The event I'm about to share with all of you) made me think of how much I love this framed message from many years ago. Today (Hazleton, PA) - I took part in a friendly protest against illegal aliens in the United States. It was a very small crowd. It had many supporters BEEPING horns and waving hands - as well as a few snickers and hard looks towards the protesters. (It's America - and while I can do this sorta thing.. I'm doing it. We never want to lose this valuable right we all have. Its how I see it anyways.) It's not my first time at such events. I wish we had more of them. At the gathering, (Hard to call it a rally really with 9 people - hmm they did have mega phones x 2 however) I ran into a researcher from the University of Liverpool - It was a super cool afternoon for me... It was like I was transported to a street in London as I stood there in front of my cites CITY HALL. I had to stay too - I couldn't let them (mostly kids) stand alone. I respect people who have the guts to take a side... (Like Dan and Ruth - More on them to come) Greig Campbell, MA (Researcher) my new bloke from London told me in one of our conversations.. something close to this.. "AMERICANS know their history.." and from what he told me.. The mans done his homework on American history, especially in the Hazleton Pa area. (I agree with Greig here) Americans DO KNOW THEIR HISTORY.. We just need more Americans to wake up and get their heads out of the sand... before all our cities get turned upside down. You see.. Hazleton Pa, if you go back about 10 years - never had gunfire in the streets.. (It was once every ten years that GUNFIRE made a news story here) Now, after the rush of people coming in.. - it's almost an everyday event. Legal or not legal - The people doing all the shooting need to be run out of town on rail - In other words..They can go back the hell where they come from. I told you people I love Ted Nugent. I also ran into a nice lady named Ruth who, turned out.. drove a good while to be a part of this peace-full protest. I took a picture of her as we stood in the fog and rain. I'll add it to the end of this post. Let me go on the record. I love all people everywhere - HELL I play poker!!! Poker is the biggest MELTING POT ever. I just happen to LOVE the LAW OF MY LAND and I LOVE the UNITED STATES of AMERICA more!! I'm very tired of all the Spanish speaking going on in public... all the big business selling us out. If you love America??. LOVE AND RESPECT AMERICA by speaking English. RESPECT. If you are an ASSHOLE - I don't care what color or race you are. YOU'RE just an ASSHOLE. I'd like our leaders and citizens to Love and respect AMERICA by keeping AMERICANS working.. By not shipping jobs overseas.. by CLOSING the boarders (Who leaves the door wide open after an event like 9/11? That's right - NO ONE! Unless you are AMERICA) It's clear to me - many in Washington DC - sold themselves and us OUT long ago. It's harder for them to hide this simple facts as we enter the insane world of TAX AND SPEND (Spending money we don't have - Our KIDS MONEY.) ALL THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE... and FAST. P E R I O D. If you are here, living in the USA - legal or illegal.. and you love the country that you came from, more than the United States - (and yes.. It is your right) That's fine. HERE'S THE THING! It's also MY RIGHT to tell all of you to Get the hell outta here and go back home....and take your gun shooting criminals back home with ya. (oh.. that feels good - try it!) Most of you here might not remember John Wayne. That last passage was his style (My style too)Hey Illegals! DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS. (I (we) love my/our guns - but I/we don't go around shooting at people in the streets) Some of us hunt, target practice and own them to protect our homes.. Americans will never give up their guns without a fight.. Americans want peace.. but we are not afraid to FIGHT for our RIGHTS.. We will protect ourselves when they come looking to take our firearms away. (Don't think it can't happen folks) HISTORY showed us all what happens when people lose their right to own arms. The event in Hazleton today was promoted or "sold" in the local NEWSPAPER (Today mind you - Thanks for the heads-up Standard Speaker) as a TEA PARTY event (Maybe this event was reported to make the Tea party look bad as Dan's groups are much smaller "Usually" - He's had some big ones too) - The event today is actually an event from the - Here is a YOU-tube of Dan working. He's a good younger man with a lot of passion. Dan does not do it for money. (He said he takes no money) NO WONDER HIS EVENTS ARE SMALL.. You must advertise! Hell the kids today are not even on TWITTER!??? Being a great American, with balls, I stood with Dan and a few others in the rain, even though I thought I was going to a TEA PARTY event. (I'm not clear on the Tea Party and I wanted to 'see and hear" things for myself) I respect people who speak their mind... Dan's a good American. I might not agree with everything Dan says (Truth is I don't know everything about DAN) - As to his message on illegals in the USA - I'm 101% behind him. In America. - We already have good laws of the land. It's a kick in the teeth to all citizens who live everyday following the laws... Also the people who worked hard to get to America the legal route. PEOPLE are not ASSIMILATING.. (My gut tells me they don't want to and never will..) WAKE UP AMERICA! They can stay - but they got to STAND by the RED WHITE AND BLUE. I spoke for a good while with Dan - He worked the clean-up from the towers in NYC. He lost a few family members on that horrible day as well.. You can see it in his face - how upsetting all of it is to him. Since 2001 - He's been standing up and speaking against illegals to anyone that will listen. One or thousands.. Today's event in Hazleton, Pennsylvania was very small... but hey.. They were out there and you have to respect that. Here is a picture of RUTH - Like Ruth, I also love the flag of the UNITED STATES. (Also a past President of the Hazleton Elks Lodge #200 The Elks stand for God and Country) I have to get me one of these umbrella's Ruth! If anyone reading this blog is into poker or KNOWS someone that LOVES poker - Please send them to the XFilesPOKER forum sign up page and please bookmark this blog. I always play these days on FULL TILT POKER - Sign up GREAT AMERICANS! Then - let's talk poker! Oh! The best part of today! Remember that BLOKE from London - He want's to interview me.. (Maybe I can plug poker in the UK) no.. LOL. He told me he could get me pictures of the BREAKER from my small COAL TOWN in which I live. I feel like I won a huge pot of chips by meeting him. I've been looking for quality pictures of our breaker (which burned down in the 70's or 80's can't remember) for years now. He also suggested a book by Susan Campbell Bartoletti - (Growing up in Coal Country) She is a Sibert Medal-Winning Author of BLACK POTATOES. Greig Campbell - is currently writing a book. Keep an eye out for him.. He's a smart cookie. Well - That's all for now! Remember Americans! FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! Thanks to our service men and women (USA) again as well. All of you ROCK! NEXT POKER GAME I'm PLAYING (I tanked in the first one today) 9pm est. on FULL TILT POKER - Come on! Sign up and try and get my chips! I play poker like a game of WAR. The VOICE of PENNSYLVANIA POKER MrXfilespoker |
Today! The XFilespoker games BEGIN! WHO WILL TAKE DOWN THE FIRST XFILES/TWITTER games? Maybe you? 6pm .est $1.50 (Tourney # 117393408) and 9pm $2.50 .est (Tourney # 117392979)- FULL TILT POKER. Play me BIG DADDY! Show me your poker skills then chat about action on the xfilespoker forum. NOTE! Tonight is the FIRST!! These games will run EVERYDAY at the same time! Plus - other XFilesPOKER games as requested in poker forum. Win $5.00 for knocking me out in TODAY'S games! (Xfilespoker active forum members only please) Search "BigTME loser" on Full Tilt for the games I'm playing on FT - or Check out the XFilesPOKER FORUM THIS GAME WILL BE ON PALTALK! Download if you like (FREE)DOWNLOAD PALTALK HERE! Then SEARCH for "xfilespokerTWITTERgames" ONE WORD - No spaces. The VOICE of PENNSYLVANIA POKER MrXfilespoker |
Full Tilt and the Navy. Today on FULL TILT POKER I played quite a few small limit games (tourneys) and had a mix of hard luck and one cash (3rd place - 90 player knockout game) For my forum members who know my style play.. I'll show a picture (BELOW)of the final 3 players.. I'm "Bigtime loser" - (Note- I go in with the best and I'm out like the rest!) Today we posted on the forum that TODAY November 14, 2009 X-FILES-POKER will be starting PRIVATE (password protected) games for our forum members as well as our pals on TWITTER (@xfilespoker) The games will run on FULL TILT POKER EVERY DAY @ 9pm est. There will also be other poker games at various times of the day, as needed - Weekend games too.. Games will be LIMIT , NL and STUD and H.O.R.S.E. for now. (Suggestions can be made in forum.. We will do what we can to get it right) I'll be playing in as many "BUT NOT ALL" of these games as possible (During winter months) with a focus on a special run game called "Tuesdays with Tom on Full Tilt.." The games above will be $1.50 and $2.50 and the Tuesday game will be a $5.50 buy in game Today in the xfilespoker forum! Earlier on our xfilespoker forum XFILESPOKER FORUM SIGN UP A new member (&Great American) named Joe (US NAVY) came on and posted about his idea's on how on-line poker "might" be rigged. I thought it was odd that he DID THIS in his 2nd post and he later mentioned it was the sites statement of allowing an open talk on the subject (poker being rigged or not) as to why he logged on & signed up. Joe found us on TWITTER. FYI - Xfilespoker does not say on-line poker IS or IS NOT rigged - We welcome any and all question's and idea's on the subject. Here is the snippet posted by Joe "I just dropped this one on your forum for possible on-line rigged play. Enjoy."I believe and this is just my personal experience, look first if they are in the leader board, if they are and you hold QQ or higher, see the flop as cheaply as possible, if you do and the flop misses your hand entirely and he shoves all in, the A$$hole has some sort of RNG or works for the site to collect winnings for the site (maybe, just saying, its obviously not the truth just speculation). Also, I try and avoid any hands that guy is in for the rest of the tourney. Pay closer attention to how people on your table (especially deeper in the game) and also pay attention to the leaders that just blast through the first few hands of the tourney and make notes on just how fast they are winning to keep in mind who you need to avoid. If the player that is winning is playing correct and calls normal hands and doesn't win with junk (Q-4 o/s and trips his 4's) then it maybe safe to tangle with, if not, fold and wait. These tactics have helped me place deeper in the tourney. Let them cheaters beat the piss out of the other players deep. You just keep climbing the ladder until you get cut. I know that is like laying down and taking it but if you are a glutton for punishment and like playing against either Joe The reason I show this post from the forum is to let readers know that we are talking about this subject in our forum often and we welcome both sides to the debate. Say what you like. I myself lean to the fact that on-line is "not right" - but it's just my thinking and it's based on GUT more than stats or data.. My guts are good enough for me. I trust my gut. The forum is picking up nice and I expect that many will return for the winter. We have a lot of good players in our forum.. Let's see.. We started the PAL TALK service as well - For use during Tom's classes/Forum poker games. If you need PAL TALK - It's a free download and can be found here - DOWNLOAD PALTALK HERE - Once downloaded - Search for "XfilespokerTwitterGames" (on word - no spaces) This is my account. What else.. Hmm Well - Big news hit the WSOP and poker world as Jeffrey Pollack resigned As Harrah's WSOP Commissioner - I've not read into the topic but I think he was quoted as saying he was.. leaving to "'explore new business challenges." Sounds to me like he was let go in a nice way. Maybe Harrah's wants to make a break with the old guard and usher in a whole new crew/plan for 2010. Hell even FT poker hired "Tom Duuur Dwan" - My guess to appeal to the 15-20 years olds that will soon be flocking to the the live tables in the coming years. (I'll have a good blog on my thoughts of all the young guns in poker coming very soon) My thoughts on Pollack and WSOP - I think many mistakes were made and too many complaints came pouring in from players and fans in the last few years - My big gripe was with the live audio coverage of this years WSOP - Bluff Magazine's coverage went from VERY GOOD to REALLY bad - It was great with Annie Duke and Phil Hellmuth, etc.. and very bad with what I'll call the KIDS.. (I don't know their names - never heard of most of them) Their take (When Annie and Phil left the air) sounded like 7th grader material and was many times crude and well, Rude.. The W.S.O.P is a BIG production and it the biggest event in all of poker - happens only once a year - It needs to be more polished and professional period. (A piss pore job makes poker players, poker itself, HARRAH'S and WSOP look bad in my eyes) POKER WILL GET SO MUCH BIGGER IF THE RIGHT MOVES ARE MADE. HARRAH'S need to have much better oversight on such things in 2010 and beyond.. (I'm available for the right price.. wink wink.) There were of course other big complaints as well.. such as not having enough poker tables/dealers - Players turned away.. FOOD QUALITY.. etc.. Do a search WSOP + BAD - I'm sure there are more. I met Mr. Pollack and good number of times at the wsop (He's not a close friend) He's always been very nice. Given the task and the insane growth of poker since 2003 - I'd say he did a good job overall.. It's time to move on - try something new. I'm excited to see what goes down next. I'm going long here.. If you are new to my blog - WELCOME. If you are new to POKER welcome! Please consider joining our POKER FORUM and signing up today. It's worth it alone for "Kim Shannon's Hot Tub" - but the new poker games we have everyday now - should give our members hours of poker fun. Plus you get to try and take me out! Good luck with that. you can track my every move on TWITTER (@xfilespoker) Let's get on-line and play some cards! Any questions - Hit us up on the forum. The VOICE of PENNSYLVANIA POKER MrXfilespoker Xfilespoker Poker Forum WHERE I PLAY - Full Tilt Poker Homepage |
OK all poker fans! - We posted the WELCOME BACK free roll info in the calendar. (see link to calendar on Xfilespoker CALENDAR ) This free roll is for ALL forum members.Fun time last night with forum members on Twitter (@xfilespoker) talking poker! Ivey busted as I predicted.. a little earlier than expected. I got crushed playing LOW LIMIT NL poker on FULL TILT POKER - I'll blame it on keeping up with Phil Ivey. We all left the poker/twitter action about 4am -and woke to insane news that it will be CADA (almost to the felt last night) vs. Moon! HEADS UP poker!We here at must support MOON - It would be UN-alien not to. (lol) Think of all the MARKETING the poker world could push to death.. "To the MOON Alice! I'm playing POKER!"We seen some silly cards from MOON and some super aggressive and LUCKY play from CADA.. This heads up poker match should be neat to watch..I give them both credit - Hell - They are sitting there and we are watching! I like that MOON did not sell out to the POKER machine that IS the "current monster on-line poker companies." He passed on a sure 500,000.00 per Phil Hellmuth's radio visit on bluff magazines audio cast. To me.. that is very cool.All the kool-aide drinking poker fans will have to wait another few lifetimes to see Ivey at that final table - as more and more players are figuring this NL poker game out. I hate to keep peeing on everyones parade - but I don't see it happening. He is HUMAN after all.. Winning bracelets 5+ years ago vs. today is a much tougher task to pull off. With that said - No doubt he's a master of the game. I wish I was there! Maybe in 2010! The VOICE of PENNSYLVANIA POKER MrXfilespoker |
I'm on Twitter (xfilespoker) and all over the web today pulling what little bit of hair I have left, OUT! I'm searching for information on today's big WSOP final table. (November Nine) I could swear I read somewhere a while back that said today's event was going to be broadcast "live." The World Series of Poker (main event) is the biggest game of the year for poker fans. This years event finally gives us MAJOR poker ACTION with a major TV poker PRO - He's short stacked against some really good players. (Players that had months of rest and time to READ UP and study their foes) He does not need any introduction in this blog "for anyone following pro poker." (For any poker newbies.. His name is IVEY) ESPN needs to drop back and punt when it comes to covering these events. I'm scanning my TV guide on DIRECTV and nothing lists until 11pm tonight? What the hell kind of LIVE action is this? If this event is happening live and we are all missing it somehow - It's all the fault of the POWERS THAT BE at this years World Series. Shame on you guys. HARRAH'S / Rio in Las Vegas has had many years to work out the bugs with these events and yet - every year they drop the ball. This year - sending players AWAY (not enough tables/dealers) I dunno.. Time to hire some new people to run things. Is this event on TV live? DOES ANYONE OUT THERE KNOW? Phil Ivey and some other guys are playing in the BIGGEST poker game of their life - plus, most poker nuts LOVE Ivey. DO YOU KNOW HOW BIG THIS DAY IS TO POKER ESPN/RIO? If Ivey's able to pull this off and SNAG the win - It's huge for HIM/POKER/RIO/ESPN & the other 8 felt masters. (I'm a fan of Ivey but I put him out 4th or 5th due to the fact that players today's are a smarter bunch) Let me say it agina..This is huge for the RIO.. (HARRAH'S) It's huge for ESPN! It's huge for "ME" and countless other poker fans, and the players that are new to poker. Some of us have been in poker since JESUS won the main event... (Jesus - that's a long time ago folks) How can all of the BIG SHOTS mess this UP? Talk about DONKEYS. (send me an e-mail and explain please) How are we ever going to get to the day when PEPSI pays me (whoops I mean US) to play poker on live television if all the REAL POKER fans can't even find the coverage for this, the biggest event in all of poker. (I want to break something! Someone give me something to snap) My blog today is due to FRUSTRATION.. I'm frustrated.. My pals that watch poker are Frustrated. My dog Zowie - "The famous poker playing Doberman Pincher" is freaking frustrated. We wait all year for the FINAL TABLE of the WORLD SERIES OF POKER and you can't find out if it's LIVE or NOT (when it's on TV?).... Fans should be able to KNOW (yes or no) if there is coverage of **ANY** WSOP final table event within 2 CLICKS of a mouse.. Internet searches. (look into them WSOP) Such a BIG deal is made of the NOVEMBER NINE.. and what happens.. they leave us hanging. This is enough to make even the most seasoned poker pro TILT. I'm glad I'm still a year or two away from playing in the series and making the final table..or I'd be ripping all the people on national television for a job NOT WELL DONE. I would not want to do it - but cm-on.. Someone needs a kick in the ass. THIS IS TOO BIG A GAME. All eyes want to be on Phil Ivey today as well as the other 8 skilled/lucky rounders. Lives are going to change today.. (Poker fans want to see it) Somebody playing in this years NOVEMBER NINE event is going to DISNEY LAND for crying out loud.. "for PLAYING POKER." THEY GET THAT BRACELET!!! Playing a game they/we ALL LOVE. The WINNER of this event will go from WHO'S DAT? to ROCK STAR and we can't find it anywhere on the web. Anywhere on our DIRECTV. Ivey even made it on the cover of ESPN magazine this year for crying out loud. That's it - I'm calling VEGAS. Get Vegas on the line. The main man in this event has PRIVATE JETS! (cough.. Maybe) We can't SELL THAT VEGAS? OK - I'm going back to the wsop searches.. If I find information WAY down low in a search engine - I'll let everyone know via TWITTER.. (look me up - come debate pro poker with me "xfilespoker") If you want to play ME.. "A regular Joe" kinda winning poker player - I play on FULL TILT POKER I DO NOT have a private jet. (yet) If you want to join our regular Joe's poker club sign up today (It's free) - X-Files poker forum We have a FREE roll coming up soon. No deposits required. God - Please let me watch today's game.. (This was for a poker playing friend/writer named Kim) @kimshannon on TWITTER. The VOICE of PENNSYLVANIA POKER MrXfilespoker |
8:51am - Just back from taking my little girl to school - what a crisp and sunny fall morning in the Poconos. Love it! I just wanted to thank the members of our friendly poker forum - for coming back after a long summer break. I'm working hard to make the site more and more fun each day - and promise BIG changes for the better are on the way. I'm in study HOURS a day and have found a new teacher that has me reading and reading. I'm trying to network with poker players with integrity - players who LOVE and RESPECT the game. If you know any? - Can you get them on board... It's an OPEN forum that asks ANY and ALL topics poker and gambling. In the coming months you can expect free rolls as the budget allows - as well as new games such as our NEW "HEADS UP" challenge - $2 games on Full Tilt. Working on building the brackets this month. I think in time - our free rolls will advance to some pretty big games. (Maybe this will help some of you build your poker roll) Get you IN the CASH! We will starting TUESDAYS with TOM this winter.. Playing in select on line tourneys and ring games that we can later discuss on the forum. Videos are in the works as well (For newbies) I love talking poker to players new to the game and watching them go from clueless to winning players. Learn proper poker from the start and join in the poker forum today! No such thing as a dumb question on If you are NEW to us.. Please sign up today and get to posting poker chat. Bring friends! I had about 3 hours sleep last night - so I'm off to crash and catch an hour of rest before work. Hope to see everyone on the poker forum soon! Also! If you are on TWITTER - Please follow "xfilespoker" and start pumping us everyday! Twitter is really getting the word out there.. Have a great day all. Hope you flop nothing but quads all day long. The VOICE of PENNSYLVANIA POKER MrXfilespoker |