I just can't seem to get to this blog during the warmer weather months..
I want to get to it.. but so many distractions.. I have idea's and thoughts on poker all day and night.
I have a party to put together (with tourney) for a friend that won his seat in this years wsop.
T-ball.. work, house, rentals, truck and other random acts have me feeling swamped... By the time I even get to try and play poker online - I'm bushed and can't wrap my head around it all..
I have images to get up from last week - (working on that now)
Well - it's not a biggie. Summer traffic is down bigtime - always is.. But for the few that read this blog. At least you know.
Hope all of you are flopping A's
Used to be a blog that questioned everything about live poker,online poker,live gaming and well. Life. Now it deals out ANYTHING I want write about. Like my quest for #1win w/major poker tourney,or how Political correctness got nuts! Why I think Washington D.C. Sold us out! God Bless our Troops/GOD Bless the USA! Time to round up those accountable for the mess and get them before the JUDGE, People got too GREEDY,Big Bizz,Politics,Media and Insurance. The days of ME,ME,ME must STOP,STOP,STOP!
I hear ya on this one - summer weather and kids out of school means family trips and more activities to do than there are hours in the day. I won't whine about the warm weather - summers in Michigan only last so long, you know?