Thursday, May 28, 2009

Too much to do..

I just can't seem to get to this blog during the warmer weather months..

I want to get to it.. but so many distractions.. I have idea's and thoughts on poker all day and night.

I have a party to put together (with tourney) for a friend that won his seat in this years wsop.

T-ball.. work, house, rentals, truck and other random acts have me feeling swamped... By the time I even get to try and play poker online - I'm bushed and can't wrap my head around it all..

I have images to get up from last week - (working on that now)

Well - it's not a biggie. Summer traffic is down bigtime - always is.. But for the few that read this blog. At least you know.

Hope all of you are flopping A's

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya on this one - summer weather and kids out of school means family trips and more activities to do than there are hours in the day. I won't whine about the warm weather - summers in Michigan only last so long, you know?


Hi guys! If you want to take a poke at me - go nuts! Just be ready for what ever I dish back at ya... It's a two way street...

Oh and be nice kinda sorta.. lol