Friday, January 16, 2009


Online poker to me, based on what happens "too much" - Means "EXPECTING the hand to LOSE"

Two points I want to make here..

1. When I finally get a hand like this online.. I'm always going to end up against a POCKET PAIR..

2. I find that the BOARD brings my opponents the 3 of a kind - 95% of the time.. YES. I said 95% of the time.

90 player game - Down to about 37 players - blinds are growing - 100-200 or so..(not sure, something like that)

I get the best - (have a raise into me)


Then - In the BIG blind - @-3 hands later - SAME player (or ROBOT??) Raises my BIG BLIND.. (Wow - this player gets ACTION hands a LOT - He's a very lucky player?? MAYBE? Maybe it's more like a MAJOR scam)

I call to SEE what he's holding.. (I have to "see" it) plus, MY CHIPS are very LOW.. (Same pattern EVERY game UNLESS I'M IN THE HOT SEAT- My BIG BLINDS, ALWAYS get PRESSURE)

Let's SEE what Mr LUCKY TRIP Q's gets 3 hands later against my BIG BLIND...

So tell me... Am I just this UNLUCKY "everyday" - "every game" - Or am I a sucker whos being scammed...

Maybe - THIS PLAYER HERE - IN THIS GAME - "the LUCKY QQ player" the LUCKY "AA" holder in my final hand - Is nothing but a MACHINE! Robot?

I'll get into this deeper in the FORUM and in future posts... ..LINK to HERE

Soon - I'm either playing on a NEW card delivery system - OR I'm finished with ONLINE POKER.

There is NO way this should be happening to me EVERY game or even ervery other game.

Quality poker hands should be HOLDING up a LOT more than I'm SEEING

1 comment:

  1. Most of the time in an Online bingo site room, you can choose from a variety of games. You can find a table for a game you already know or sit down with players and start learning a new style of poker. There are also pages you can visit that will teach you the rules of the different games at a good online poker site room.


Hi guys! If you want to take a poke at me - go nuts! Just be ready for what ever I dish back at ya... It's a two way street...

Oh and be nice kinda sorta.. lol