Is there a need for sites like xfilespoker?Please - with SUGAR!
THE FOLLOWING is just the MOTHER SHIP (me)... THINKING out loud... Please - Add anything I'm missing.. OR your opposite thoughts on these and other matters..
Are players posting on sites like these just poor players.. or is there more to it than that? Why are there so many web sites like these?
[i]I've never wanted or have been motivated to make a site BASED on my "20" years of LIVE poker play.... I never needed to.. For about 16+ years I was a winning LIVE poker player.. Quality cards and plays semed to PAY off.. Huh? How about that??[/i]
THE BIG PROBLEM with a debate like this... (debating POKER)
Seems POKER is a hard NUT to crack, to disect... - So many variables...
Is the player that bad? Is the player THAT unlucky? Is the player FOOLING his/herself? Does a winning LIVE poker player mean little - when he/she jumps to ONLINE? Is the player drinking or playing tired?
I actually FIND myself PLAYING bad on these sites - to SEE outcomes.. (I have to DIG around) I have to "SEE"...
I pay attention to EVERYTHING.. WHAT I do see online (watching others action) appears to me - to be - like many say - CONTROLLED ACTION! (Boards with no gaps! Flush and st draws...ALWAYS!) Just CRAZY poker - EVERY HAND! (Is this REAL????)
I say this is NOTHING close to REAL POKER.
Poker is filled with all styles of players.. Timid - cocky -
low key - and high key... Crazy Loose and ROck TIGHT!...
This makes it a harder case to PROVE.. (But we always have our guts too)
FORUMS TOO! ALL TYPES OF PEOPLE! (some want to get into a major debate - Some are not into getting into it.. many others - just don't care... WORSE yet.. (OMG!) They think POKER is just a game... (A slot machine!) ***SOME are JUST LURKING!!!!**** (Get into the game of life LURKERS!) POST TODAY!
Is online poker a SLOT MACHINE? Is it just as simple as - IF YOU CATCH THE RIGHT SEAT - YOU'RE a WINNER???
Is ONLINE POKER run FAIR and SQUARE? (I will never stop asking this QUESTION! You can't make me!)
Can a player just BELIEVE - based on what online poker sites are telling us - giving us? (which is not much if you ask me) Givin this.. Can we really believe ONLINE IS SAFE and A TRUE RANDOM GAME?
What the hell does RANDOM (rng) even mean when talking ONLINE POKER..
I went out with friends last night (01-02-09) - to the SLOTS at our local casino.. Was it random? I can tell you this.. It is RARE that we win when we play slots.. Combined! We lost - oh! 3,000.00 between "6" of us last night.. (and... grrrr I had to pay for my tequilla! and Miller light.) Not ONE of us ended up leaving a winner.. (is THIS FAIR??? Better YET?? IS THIS "FUN"?) NOT FOR ME SISTER!!
We WON for 15 min.. then TANKED! A few of us even hit 2nd HIGH jackpots.. WE STILL got crushed.. IS THIS REALLY RANDOM?? Or some sort of controlled RNG.. To keep the BILLS paid to all the TOP ENRON type leaders.. (DO they have to TAKE IT ALL.. EVERY TRIP) It seems controlled way more than the machines I remember playing 15 years ago.. Years ago.. I won 2/3 visits - and get this .. LEFT with MONEY! Not anymore..
Do these casinos build these HUGE fancy places ON winners? Of course not!
I bring up SLOTS - Only to make this statement.. Online poker to me... seems the same thing! I watch other players.. POOR PLAYERS.. that seem to have PICKED the right seat.. (they can't lose) I myself - notice the same thing.. (but I don't feel I'm playing better.. I play the same) I also notice PATTERNS of COLD CARDS in tourneys and SITUATIONS AT KEY - levels (blinds) where my Pocket pairs run into what seems to me -- you guessed it! CONTROLLED action.. Then the POOR "call" against my Higher hand.. Spikes the MONSTER or "4" high FLUSH..
In a nut shell.. (for me) I see it way too much. To the degree it's actually INSULTING.
Is ONLINE POKER the SAME for ALL players? (Does depositing MORE hard earned cash or widthdrawing more when we win - mean anything??? MANY PLAYERS SAY IT DOES... ) Why?
With all the exposed SCAMS in poker - Shouldn't we at least bring the DEBATE to the FRONT JETS? Bring it all out in the open..
I'm in private talks with people/players over SKYPE and YAHOO.. (Why they won't POST it all here.. I'll never know) SOme of these players are members here (I guess just to be nice), some are not members .. (some do not even know how to work e-mails)-
These are Players that think ONLINE is fair.. and THEY win.. They think THIS SITE is for the BIRDS...
But HOW MUCH DO they win? HOW OFTEN? ARE THEY TELLIN THE TRUTH??? (Who knows) Can I see some proof??
I really Don't know.. (I need to KEEP searching for the answers)
Is it possible MOST players put "ACTION" over caring for a LEGIT GAME?
Is it possible too many players - CAN'T turn the game off.. and are affraid Sites like these WILL TAKE AWAY THEIR COCAINE FIX?
I never PLAY becasue I can't NOT be in a game.. I play poker to WIN money - To crush POOR players.. To buy nice vacations.. PERIOD. I leave a WINNER and I LEAVE early when it's NOT going well...
How about you???
Answer questions like the ones above!! And teach PLAYERS too! Let's teach them the PROPER bets/calls/folds to be making in NL games.. and to play POSITION.. etc.. (You get my drift right?)
Is it possible - Some players do not see the FOREST from the TREES??? Is it possible THEY just can't see they are being SCAMMED! (even the WINNERS!) Is it possible the WINNERS should be winning MORE??
I can go on and on..
Will xfilespoker be here in a YEAR?
It's UP to the answers to the questions above - and the quality of the debaters on these boards..
If you ask me... I say something is NOT right...
I'll be happy to have anyone RAIL me or to have me RAIL them (via skype etc..) to PROVE me wrong.
I'd LOVE to be wrong.
You will either believe I have thousands of hours of WINNING LIVE or you don't ... You will either agree or disagree with the RANTS above..
Get others in here too!!!
Please - with SUGAR!