Friday, February 18, 2011

There should be a place for poker players..... To lose a hex

There should totally be a place where poker players could go to get a re-boot when things go rough at the tables.  Man.. Last few sessions, live, in both tourneys and cash NL games have been a kick in my junk.  I have KK,  they have AA.  I have KQ suites on button, they have AA in BB.

I have AA, they hit three of a kind.  Of course!  Why not.

I'm in need of some cleansing of some kind. My poker karma is way out of whack.  If you know of such a place or if you have a friend with experience in crystals or some Voo Doo magic.  Please have them contact me here.

They say the dark clouds will pass, not soon enough for this rounder.  Damn I'm getting some cold cards - Some say to play right through it but it's rough for me to do so, it's as if I'm in some murky cold decking swamp.

I need to take a few days off.  Sorry guys, it's that ugly.

I'm playing some casino games.. The hell with it!  Maybe I'll win a jackpot.

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Hi guys! If you want to take a poke at me - go nuts! Just be ready for what ever I dish back at ya... It's a two way street...

Oh and be nice kinda sorta.. lol