Thursday, September 4, 2008

22 place finish.. It's better than the BUBBLE... But.. "Reallllyyyy"

I can't tell you how many times I have the OPEN ENDED and never hit ... It's too close to NEVER... actually. Come to think of it.. it's also RARE to HIT a random flop HARD.. like.. u know.. "LOCK IT UP and ship it... kinda HARD" as in a "I can't lose" kinda flop..

If I do hit such a flop... SOMEONE ELSE usually shares the same INSANE LUCK.. (it happens ALL the time..)


It is SUSPECT at least.. no?

Some STATS at 81 hands...

When I tell people to DODGE the set up hands.. This is my EXAMPLE.. If you get the hand that looks too good to be true.. and a PLAYER seems to have made the WORST call ever.. BEWARE on FT - You're screwed!

Here is my COOLER hand of the DAY...

Check out the FLOP.. I bet it HARD all the WAY and this one LIVES AND DIES by pocket 8's..


THEN... I hit a little back next hand when someone OVER PLAYS the AK..

I LOSE to this hand - QUADS... I always seem to hit hands like this and THEY always play it "just right" when they do...

IN this next image - I get a little action.. but they slow down. Actually they FOLD. I do not get paid off..

This next image is HOW and WHY I always seem to be hitting the bubble.. It seems - Every time I make a move.. from position.. One of the blinds end up having a better than average hand..

Knowing this.. I still have to make my MOVES..

Also - the players in these blinds.. will NOT re-raise.. the always seem to limp. OK - so I make a move.. I BET BIG ON FLOP when I hit my K.. I'm still on a move.. but I HIT...

This one - calls my BIG move with NOTHING.. on flop.. WHY? Is it because this is the magic position... the one where a PLAYER knows he/she is more than likely to HIT by the river? It must be... Because - If I had this hand in same weak position.. after flop.. and had major money coming at me .. I have to put player on MANY hands that could beat my NOTHING...


THEY spike the river on me.. more and more when I play these $100 games and always right around the BUBBLE... I'm forced to make my MOVES due to being BLINDED OUT.. or CHIP BROKE.

My concern - that this site sets up these hands.. A player should run into many situations when a RAISE or move form button will run into a FOLD.. but NOT.. for me - and NOT on Full Tilt.

SUSPECT... Especially when it's game after game.. SAME situation.. time and time again..

Another point I'd like to make is - no - a question.. Why is it PLAYERS PLAYING to see the flop - ALWAYS HIT something and WHY when they do - are they always doing so - up against OTHER draw boards on the turn.. MORE WAYS TO LOSE - every hand..

Just answer why - every hand - players seeing the flop ALWAYS seem to hit action.. WHy not MORE hands chsecking down - BORING hands - like I see live.


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Hi guys! If you want to take a poke at me - go nuts! Just be ready for what ever I dish back at ya... It's a two way street...

Oh and be nice kinda sorta.. lol