The dreaded SET over SET
FIREWORKS!!!! Always on FULL TILT... and more times than normal math allows - I lose to these BIG hands...
Oh well.. I'm much more into LIVE play now and while these sort of hands HAPPEN live I find them to happen less often.
I think you will too... Give live play a try.
Happy 4th everyone! I wanted to get a nice post up today from our FLAG DAY celebration at the Elks a few days back - but got caught up in PICNICS and ENJOYING the FIREWORKS...
I'll try and get it up in a few days...
Until then - AVOID HANDS like in the image in this post - Especially in LIVE cash games - They will put a world of hurt on you.
Nothing you can do really though - when they happen except move on to the next few thousand hands....
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Hi guys! If you want to take a poke at me - go nuts! Just be ready for what ever I dish back at ya... It's a two way street...
Oh and be nice kinda sorta.. lol