Sunday, February 1, 2009

My exercise in BUILDING a ROLL from $4.40 180 man games on POKER STARS

HEY!!! LOOK! AA holds for me! (Fantastic!) SHIP IT!


I made a switch. PLUS! Grinding up the roll from SMALL STAKES... (an exercise for fun) All part of my NEW approach to POKER.. Finer tuning everything! (As best as I can.. ADD and all..)

Results.. (Only the truth here at xfilespoker)

- $100

Calm down.. (no biggie)

In two Deposits. (screen name "livegal") Follow me if you like...

First $50.00 I just played all over the place.. No focus (I told you ADD ) - just trying to figure out software.. (not a great plan.. but it's what I ended up doing) Then I found out quick - I better figure the board and get with my newest coach..(board is LIST of games played) I lost about $30 of the money in LOW micro NL - and LIMIT.. (I'd suggest you avoid these games.. It's BINGO poker at it's finest) About $25 of the orig $50 went into $5 - 10 NL tourneys.. (Then a light went off!) I NEED A FOCUSED PLAN.

Over the years I have learned that having plans and Sub-plans (outs) if X or Y happens - served me well.. GO up in stakes IF X.. Down if... Y Since I'm BACK into poker.. I've been SLOPPY and NOT playing MY BRAND of poker. No MORE. If I'm in this - I'm in TO WIN the MOST I CAN - by playing My A game - "with a plan" everyday.


So.. I ring my coach on SKYPE.

My coach (don't ask... He's like DEEP THROAT.. I can't tell you who he is..) tells me to make a plan and STICK with it. He and I come up with playing the following and PLAYING solid poker.

I Reload the 2nd $50 and decide to PLAY $4.40 N/L 180 man games.. (yes small stakes.. but this is the POINT.. I want to try and GRIND up a roll with this fun exercise) If Jesus can do it - SO can I.

I played SUPER poker 80% of the time.. and cashed in 5 games out of TOO many... (lol) I did have small bouts of TILT.. to be honest.. (not something I usually do and the tilt was MILD.. never really lost it.. But I did speed up my game and make bad choices.. including TWO major ALL IN miss clicks.. CRAP!) During the games when I went DEEP and was IN MONEY (never with - with advice from my coach - I pushed and lost in the 5-7 or so MAJOR hands (of all games it really came down to "ONE" or two moves that HAD to go my way...) All of these MOVES went bad. (but... many getting me DEEP in tourney DID NOT) After thought - I figure my coach is SUPER aggressive and MAYBE - it's a leak in my game. Still undecided.


Right here - IS the kind of hand that even gets me tilt from time to time.. After 2 hours in a game GRINDING it out.. You run into a player like here.. only to FLOP a monster and get a cooler RIVER card.. HEADS UP! What are the chances.. I won't lie.. I was on TILT for a good 20 min after this hand.. I should have walked.. but what I did instead was donked off some chips playing sub par poker. Only my YEARS of playing got me grounded FAST.. I went back to playing better poker. (many new players can NOT recover) So I'm happy I can at least get back to CENTER. (this is learned after MUCH time at tables..) You either learn it - OR continue have MUCH BIGGER loses over time.

Playing 12 hours is not the BEST move either - But I'm planning on trying it WHEN time allows.. (most sessions I figure will be 3- 4 hours.. (I'm only too happy to play longer if it's a BIG payday of course)


Here is ONE of the BEST folds of the DAY.. (Many rookies take BIG loses by OVER playing TOP on board) In this hand (note the cards are faded) Look how Bad i WAS.. many players THINK hitting top pair MEANS going nuts WITH AN "all in" - NOTHING CAN BE FURTHER - FROM THE TRUTH.

Over all this time I was playing anywhere from 2 - 4 screens at time.. SAME GAME (always best to keep games same I feel) AS soon as I lost in one - I re-registered.

I'm going to put a few SCREEN shots on my blog - ONE of which was a hand where I CALLED a major BLUFF.. (everything in my being told me he was full of it) With THAT hand - I had to be right! (turned out I was) BUT.. If I was wrong.. I was toast.. It would have killed my stack.. I DID "ONE" call like this in 13 hours of solid play.. Breaking only to eat and well.. you know.. lol.

This is the first LONG day at poker in over 2 plus years.

End result - NOT good but not BAD either.. Lost it all.. Got deep in 80% just outside of money - and IN money 5 out of about 15 games...

Had some of the MAJOR hands gone other way.. I'm probably UP! and better than the orig. $100 - So

In this SCREEN SHOT (form one of the many games) I go BUST - and THIS particular hand.. I figured this player on a MOVE.. and PUSHED with my stack... Turned out to be wrong.. I was hoping for at least AQ or A8 - etc.. SOME TIMES we all get it WRONG.. MOVE ON TO NEXT GAME.

On I go.. (-100.00 and NOT looking back! Sticking with the plan)

I'll stay at this level and hope future moves stand UP OR I just get a few of those games where WHATEVER I do works and I play with SUPER MEGA DEEP STACK..

Note to READERS - I find these games pretty "normal" which strikes me a bit odd being that it's a small buy in game. REFRESHING.. Don't get me wrong - You see a few donk moves but overall.. not bad.

HERE IS MY FINAL HAND EARLY SUNDAY MORNING.. (after 12 hours of play) The last image is my Place! It paid $8+ and I went on to DONK that $8 the next morning.. by yet another MISS CLICK on pokerstars.. (when I reading my e-mails) Oh well

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Hi guys! If you want to take a poke at me - go nuts! Just be ready for what ever I dish back at ya... It's a two way street...

Oh and be nice kinda sorta.. lol