Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I need help -

I need all the smart ones out there to tell me how WHAT I'm seeing online (my take) is WRONG...

I have a good 15+ years of live play under my belt - at everything from 2/4 to 10/20 limit and .05/.10 to 1/2 NL.. (As well as some 1/3 pot limit) The POT limit was a nasty game and we played it many nights a week for the last few years... I have countless hours in games from CA, Vegas to Atlantic City..

I have played online since oh - about 2002/03 or abouts..

My take on things is this.. VERY SIMPLE. I have won 70% + of the tables I sat at in live games - unless I was in a dark hole (bad cards) - for a few weeks.. but overall.. I've made it happen in cash games... I was able to win BIG live... and did it year after year - day after day and hour after hour... I paid for buildings to be built and MAJOR products to be purchased... WHY?


Online - I never seem to have the big scores.. (nor do my friends) but rather - I get a little... then get smashed - get a little - then get smashed... It appears I'm on a rush but I get myself into a hand THAT I "must" bet hard and that "that is a great hand" but - YOU GUESSED IT - seems to run SMACK into the MAGIC silver bullet player that hits the case card on river with insane %'s against him or her.. (Now - funny thing is this...If I played like this online - I'd not hit the card... THIS ALL OF US ROUNDERS KNOW - Because - even the trained players will try it.. from time to time.. online and come up short.. and come up short) Yet - we get beat 4/5 times with other players taking same LAME & HIGH risks..

For some reason - When I'm against the same sort of situation - I get smashed on river - OR the "4" to the flush appears.. This happens with BETTING the hand accordingly too - NOT CHECKING or TRAPPING... Hand after hand - the LEAD is a great one and the RIVER brings CHAOS to what ever little positive chip lead I had built up... (online that is)

Now - I'll say it again - It does happen live too (I must say this to be honest) - but no where near the same amount of times.. and thus - I get to STILL walk out a winner... ONLINE - I either Bust in a hand where MY "super lead" is attacked by one or more donkeys - and the 1 or 2 outer hits! Sending me packing - I don't tilt either - because the computer has RE-TRAINED me to EXPECT the LOSS so well - that I might TILT if MY HAND HOLDS UP!

Now - Players with little or no live experience CHOCK this up to MORE HANDS PER HOUR = EQUALS MORE BAD BEATS?

It's a simple observation and GUESS -and I'm not sure a player that ONLY played ONLINE can understand what a LIVE player is talking about - OR have a REAL clue about such hands LIVE VS. ONLINE - basically they are making statements without SEAT TIME live and NO REFERENCE what-so-ever.. SOoooo.. To this IDEA/STATEMENT that the online players state time and time again (MORE HANDS = MORE BAD BEATS)- I have a SIMPLE QUESTION?

I'm not being smart here - I'm serious.... Like a heart attack.

Why is it just that simple to make a statement like this??? - WHY does MORE hands per hour HAVE TO EQUAL more bad beats - Why can't it mean MORE losers losing more hands? - More chips going the way to the players having the best of it GOING IN... More chips going to the players that ACTUALLY PLAY POKER?

IN "LIVE ACTION" POKER I SEE THIS... - Good players with extra racks of chips - CHIPS THEY WIN FROM POOR PLAYERS taking shots at bad %'s (betting on a come)

ONLINE I SEE THIS - Good players making the SAME great moves.. making a few pennies to the positive and then losing HUGE - in one silly hand after another... NIGHT AFTER NIGHT (for month and years now)
(A crew of my live play QUALITY players see and report the same thing)

Well - there u have it - I'm a very patient guy and I'll give everyone a LONG time (the rest of my life) to answer me this riddle...

It appears to me that online is nothing more than FOR FUN at a FEE! (A big FEE - as in ALL UR MONEY) It appears to me that ALL monies eventually end up DOWN THE FUNNEL DRAIN... IF not.. Why is it - NO ONE that I KNOW reporting BIG wins? WHY Am I watching players (friends of mine) play online and seeing the same silly outcomes that I see happen to me? I watch MANY friends too - and they are REALLY TOP SHELF PLAYERS if you ask me..

Go ahead - Explain it all to me! Please.

NOTE - this is the FIRST DRAFT of this blog and will be changed most likely in the next few hours and I think it thru more - FOr the most part - it's finished.

1 comment:

  1. Online Poker Versus Regular Poker
    If you are new to playing poker, then one decision you may have to make is whether you want to go to a casino to play live poker, or play at an online poker room.
    Online Poker Rules Versus Casino Live Poker Rules Texas Holdem is technically the same game regardless of whether you play online or in a casino. You won't find many differences in rules between the poker games you find in a typical casino/cardroom compared the rules in an online poker room. That means if you learn in one, then most likely you won't have to learn any new rules to play in the other. There may be a few things specific to each cardroom or online site but usually it is pretty much identical. So if both online poker rules and casino poker rules are usually identical then is it worth even writing about the other differences? I think so. I've played a lot of both online texas holdem and regular texas holdem at casinos/cardrooms and it is much different. Which venue you choose to learn and play in will matter.
    So keep it coming ,I will be listening.
    to be continued


Hi guys! If you want to take a poke at me - go nuts! Just be ready for what ever I dish back at ya... It's a two way street...

Oh and be nice kinda sorta.. lol