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51 - 1 (52 trips to Vegas, One bad run) Ya think you know a guy. Me and who I thought was a friend and a good man Gene Gioia. (I'm the big one) |
Well well, turns out at least 24 people (An all time record I might add, lol) read my poker blog... or at least the few extra people are reading it these days because they are following the key words "Real Deal Poker." That's cool. I'll thank the nice people for responding to my post yesterday and all I want to add at this point is this... My partner and I worked countless hours for free, investing our time and money (Good money relatively speaking) in a company that we believed in. Time and time again we called for drastic changes in direction.. Time and time again, we were told we knew nothing.
The following is a nice rant from my pal Chris, (My partner in Real Deal News, etc..) "His words in bold black text.."
For the record, Gene Gioia and his daughter told me and my partner many times that we secured the most active players on his Real Deal site, and I quote, were "The only ones making any money..." (Really Gene, the only ones making money.. I guess RD donated the rake of our players to charity) This statement about us making money was never true of course as Chris and I (My partner in the U.K./Germany) always found new SEO products, etc... to invest our earned money in. (And then some) We not only did not make money.. we lost money.
I'll add that many from Gene's crew were plain rude and I think jealous of our player sign-ups , not all.. of course, but certainly the manager and workers of Genes marketing team.
Instead of working with Chris and I, (The marketing team) they chose to ignore us for the most part. (I always found that hard to believe... Anyone using basic logic would see that we wanted to see Real Deal make it happen..) It was like they wanted RD to FAIL. Maybe, just maybe some that were hired by Gene had other plans for Real Deal Poker. Not good plans, plans of making it fail from the get go. It's the only explanation due to the horrid moves made by some on Genes infallible team.
Look, I can talk, but I'm no writer.. this is known by all.. so I'll hand this rant over to my partner Chris... (He's much better with words) Enjoy.
(Chris asked me to post this because blogger does not allow such long comments) For me, this will close this non Real Deal chapter in my life. If there is anyone who really has integrity out there and wants to build a poker site that cares about it's customers.. contact me here I guess. (Chris and I will watch what you're doing for a few years and get back to you) We certainly will NOT be working for free.
You know Tom; I don't think it was Gene’s intention to rip us off. I think there are hidden agendas out there, just like you always said except that the agendas are now to cover asses just in case another online business opportunity arises. Perhaps we are scapegoats?
Here's how it works, you tell somebody that you know what you’re doing to promote and build an online poker room. (You don't but you say that to get the position anyway, perhaps you got lucky in the early days of poker rooms when competition wasn’t so fierce. Now however you have no clue now how to deal with the overwhelming might of Pokerstars or Full Tilt)
You fuck it all up in ways that the average Joe would never know about by using dated promotion methods that no longer work and then blame others for the lack of people visiting the site. WOW! You even get away with it... Unless somebody points it out of course...
Let’s see, your business is online right? Where would you choose to promote if money is tight?
a) Online perhaps where your business actually is and is very cheap. Or...
b) In a high street park in London which will cost thousands, especially if you fly a celebrity (That you also have to pay) and an entourage around the world to get there?
If you chose ‘a)’ you got the right answer! Give yourself a point. Perhaps you were thinking of a PPC (pay per click campaign) that would bring visitors almost immediately or some off page SEO to bring in visitors long term? If you were then you would have probably done a better job of promoting Realdealpoker than certain others.
Question 2 is a little tougher; I'll give you a little education before I ask it...
You have an online poker site, what is the first thing you need? (That is not the question although I might well have asked whoever was in charge of building and promoting the RDP site that!)Personally I would choose visitors to my site who are interested in actually playing poker, anyone agree?
So, if you are experienced in promoting an online poker site you would try to get to number one in the search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN for things that people may type (DO type in if you know what you’re doing) into search engines when they are looking for a poker site to play on right?
Of course, you know this! You’re an expert at promoting poker sites online. They can’t fail with your backing can they?
Hmm… Perhaps nobody at Realdealpoker knew this most basic of online concepts however or if they did, they didn’t have a fucking clue how to do it. Then again, perhaps you were right Tom. Sabotage from the inside is always a possibility but I prefer to think these people are just stupid.
(Sorry I digress but people reading this should not forget that online poker is worth millions and millions every year, you think the knife gets put in now and again?)
So, for example if you were to type ‘play poker’ into Google (without the ‘’) you probably will find that www.pokerstars.com is in first position followed by http://www.playwinningpoker.com/articles/how-to-play-poker/ (This may vary depending on which of Google’s data center’s feeds you, results will vary in each region)
The biggest online poker site on the planet gets first place, no surprise there! But hey… look who gets second, that site looks like a pile of shit but it’s in second place. WOW!!!! How did he get there? 2nd place in Google! The biggest search engine online, for ‘play poker’? That motherfucker must have shares in Google!
No, he just knows what he is doing is all. He knows how to get to the top of the search engines and onto page 1 where you get most clicks from people looking to ‘play poker’. The man probably spent months if not years getting there and you can bet he is reaping the benefits right now. Good work! Whoever owns this site is/was a workaholic or paid out a lot to get the work done to get him where he is. Good on him!
Like I said, you don’t get to page one for a search phrase like ‘play poker’ without a shitload of work but if your site is new you can target less competitive phrases like ‘where is the best place to play poker online’ (I’m not saying that is a good word or that is has any traffic, I just pulled it out of the air for an example) not many people are competing for this keyword I would imagine in comparison to ‘play poker’ so if you know what you are doing and you have resources behind you could probably make it to page 1 of Google at least for this phrase, The benefit being if 15 people per day type this phrase into Google you get an extra 15 potential sign ups to your site every day. Not something your average Joe would know but I imagine somebody in charge of promoting an online poker site would know this huh?
Now, imagine you are doing this for a whole bunch of phrases related to people who want to play poker, things like:
Where to play poker online
Best poker site online
Fishiest poker site online
Where can I play poker on the internet?
Play online poker for money
Play online poker for real money
Poker online for low stakes
Play online poker for small money
(I have not checked these keywords for traffic by the way, just examples. Don’t go building sites around these keywords! lol)
See where I’m going? All these visitors, maybe 10 people per phrase all add up to people signing up and playing at your site. Again, an online poker promoter would know this… Wouldn’t they?
Making the big-time and hitting No1 for phrases like ‘best poker site’ will take time and work but targeting niches that are easier to dominate will keep you alive and keep visitors coming to your site day in day out. Start small to get people visiting; word of mouth from these new visitors will help also.
Alternatively do no off site SEO at all and wonder why the fuck nobody turned up to play poker. *Sigh
One of the things you can do to tell the search engines that you want to rank for a particular phrase is to use ‘meta data’, this is a shit way to do it that is very ineffective for real SEO (Search engine Optimization) benefits but would compliment real SEO efforts. Unfortunately there were no real SEO efforts on the part of the person in charge of SEO at RDP. They decided that spending thousands on going to a park in London for a jaunt was more important to promotion when cash was tight by the look of things.
Probably Tom’s fault they failed however because he decided to be truthful (Remember honesty, integrity and all that?) and publish an honest post that less than 100 people out of the MILLIONS (yes MILLIONS) of poker players online read it. WOW! Fuck me Tom! How did you manage to push away over 9 million online poker players? You dumb fuck!
You should never have argued with people in the forum either Tom, that’s bound to push away another couple of million players, what the fuck is wrong with you? ;-)
Perspective, it’s a crazy thing.
Tom’s fault RDP went down? Fuck off! Less than 100 people see his post and its negative publicity maybe that fucked RDP?
NOBODY REALLY KNEW ABOUT RDP!!!! What did any of you at RDP do to bring it to the masses? Not a fucking lot!
The RDP team knew fuck all about how to promote online, THAT IS WHY THEY FAILED!
I remember when things were looking bad for RDP and I spoke to Gene Gioia, here’s what I told him…
“Whoever sorted out the onsite SEO for your Realdealpoker.com was useless; they stuffed the Meta data that the search engines read with dozens and dozens of keywords. (Used to work a long time ago but now it is considered spam) Most of the keywords were not even for poker for some bizarre reason! If you want poker players, target poker players by using poker related words not casino related words.
If their strategy of keyword stuffing the site with casino keywords to bring visitors had worked, (which it wouldn’t have) it would be the wrong type of visitor turning up anyway. Hmm… I’m looking for an online casino, I end up at Realdealkpoker: “Oh look, this is a poker site not a casino. I think I’ll just hit the back button on my browser”
Poof! Gone.
So here is question 2:
If you have an online poker site and you want to get targeted traffic do you stuff your meta data with…
a) Dozens of poker and casino(?) search phrases.
b) Dozens of poker search phrases only that will bring visitors who are actually interested in the product you are promoting You would have to research which keywords poker player are looking for but somebody in charge of promoting an online poker site would know this. (Keyword stuffing is still bad and ineffective even if it is relevant however)
c) Just target relevant poker searches without doing the keyword stuffing for searches that bring no traffic or traffic that is interested in a different subject completely?
What a fucking no brainer! Unless you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing of course.
But I guess you’re not talking to me and tom because less than a hundred people read his honest post!
I offered to help you, you didn’t take that option. If you are planning on re opening I suggest you find new staff to promote your site properly.
The money is no biggie for me, I had nothing in the way of money to buy my girlfriend's daughter a birthday present with as I was relying on the paycheck for all the players we sent to your site but I still said to Tom:
“Tell him to keep our money if it helps keep RDP afloat”
You did anyway Gene!
Or perhaps it's out of your hands but you just didn't care to take the time to let me know.
So much for relying on another’s honesty and integrity. Hope it wasn’t you’re choice not to pay us Gene or I would think of you from now on as ‘ A cu*t above the rest’.
When you ignored my “hello, how is it going?” for the third time on Skype I decided to ask via all resources I had available for outstanding money, Paul Gambrill informed me that it was over 1.8k. Not much to you but a lot to me.
There is no excuse for ignorance in that respect, I can understand your ignorance to how promoting an online poker site happened but your ignorance toward friends is inexcusable and leads me to believe there was no integrity there in the first place, just words… Just words.
Tom, he swears by the marines, since when did cutting out those who tried to help become part of the marine creed? Look to those who really fucked you! My experience with British military infantry is way different, dangerous men but look after those who look after them. Honor is a rare thing these days, having no honor publicly must hurt for an ex marine.
In my opinion RDP was doomed from day 1, (although I didn’t know it when I began to promote) I knew very little about SEO before I started working to promote RDP but today, I know for a fact that I know more that the entire team that tried to promote RDP. They were a fucking joke, this goes for the online aspect. The offline promotion was a great idea but with money shortages…?
If anybody doubts that then they do not know SEO in the slightest.
Gene, if you have been misled into thinking that the actions of either myself or Tom resulted in your downfall then you are very much mistaken. Grow up and get a grip on what I have just told you. Verify it with experts if you think I’m full of shit, just beware that most ‘experts’ don’t know it all as you are now finding out. Ask to see page 1 Google results before you deal with anyone. (Page 1 results for competitive search phrases!)
You’re audience was millions; you want to fuck Tom over by not speaking to him for reporting honestly? After standing behind you for years? Go ahead, his honesty maybe put off thousand players. (Yeah, right. More like 20!) Your team however failed to target hundreds of thousands of poker players.
Where does the blame lie?
When you refused to listen to Tom’s input I guess he saw it as a last resort to try and drill into you that your people knew little about getting players to tables.
The party that is behind online promo for RDP in my opinion should be ashamed of the job they have done and distance their name from RDP, bad for business. Why not push the blame onto Tom Dwyer? Might work! lol
Realdealpoker.com is a great looking websites but the SEO behind the pretty look is a pile of dogs shit, I don’t know if the site designers were responsible for this aspect, I hope not for their client’s sake. All I do know is that somebody is responsible and should answer for it.
Gene if you’re reading this then do the right thing, man up and make your apologies to Tom. You’re in the wrong and in your heart you must know this! I don't think you're a bad person, I do think you are looking at all of this from a warped perspective however.
Next time anybody wants to say we were clowns in the promotion of RDP, take a look at the big picture.
Last piece of information and a peace offering:
There is no meta data on RDP at this moment, Why? OK, all the shit has been removed, well done!!! That’s a good start. If you are planning on reopening however you should really think about doing some work to rank for relevant search phrases that will bring traffic now, it takes time so waiting until you are open before you do it is a sure fire way to end up bankrupt again because nobody is visiting… Still.
Meta data isn’t worth a great deal anyway but it does help a little if used correctly, if anyone who designed the site would like a little help or information in the SEO department feel free to contact me via Tom.
In fact, scrap that, if you need help Gene you know where I am. No apology needed, let’s get on with it; I’m a man of integrity, honesty and generosity. You can find me by clicking on my name (The one you ignore) in Skype and saying ‘Hi’.
Just ask or carry on with the Muppets.
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Bitches Pleaseeeee... |
ReplyDeleteSeems you have a fan Tom!
An Anonymous one.. My favorite kind. (Of the coward breed)
ReplyDeleteHi Tom,
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your experience. I did see quite a lot of your diligent work in promoting this new idea and room. Thought you did a great job.
I have met Gene on several occasions and believe him to be a good person with no intent to scam anyone. The fact that people may have lost money certainly will make some feel that way though and I can appreciate that. We have been involved with many gaming companies over the years including World Gaming that went under and we certainly felt taken when we could not collect what was owed to us. Plus we had to scramble at super high stress levels to find a new operation to move players and affiliates. A NIGHTMARE!!!
I believe that the RDP plan may have been flawed from the beginning as the planners working with Gene really knew nothing about starting and operating a poker room. No one had actually done it before. In addition, trying to break into an industry with such a new concept that cannot easily be grasped based on standard poker RNG software understandings.
I am glad you are taking the positive high road on how you benefited from the experience and I am sure you will do well on other ventures. Who knows perhaps one day we make work on something together.
Take Care,
Vince Van Horn
I posted this earlier on the realrealdeal,freeforums.org
ReplyDelete"Interesting link to Tom's blog! Seems Gene Gioia isn't speaking to anyone, including Tom. Mind you, I wouldn't speak to Tom either, given all the damage he did to Real Deal.
Take a good read of comments by Chris. What they both say has the ring of truth. It's true that the marketing failed to bring players in their thousands, however they both ignore the damage Tom did on the forum to the few players who were there and who could have built a small but loyal base.
Secondly, if you remember Tom was going on about how he knew Gene so well and would put his house, his life etc. on Gene Gioia's integrity. Now they are both criticising him. This supports my comments months ago that Tom has lousy judgement and almost certainly is not a winner at the poker table. He's too tilty and shows poor judgement. It also puts into perspective his comments about how he knew Real Deal was the real thing. A number of us said Tom was talking out of his arse because he hadn't played on there enough to know, and also given his poor judgement, his opinion wasn't worth listening to anyway."
It was hard to add a comment as the thing kept blanking when I tried to post. I would like to add that I don't think Tom ruined RD, bad management did that, but he did more than his fair share of damage.
ReplyDeleteTo insult, ban, and refer to members as shills if they were at all critical was disgraceful behaviour. I found it the ultimate irony because I was accused of being a Real Deal shill on the 2+2 forums. This behaviour broke up a small but happy family.
I mailed Gene Gioia and customer support to tell them why I was withdrawing my money. I said I would not support a site that had Tom Dwyer as its mouth piece. It did not play like real poker anyway. am now glad I got my money out as they have changed the conditions for cashing out.
Whether RD does come back or not, it will be good that Tom is not anywhere near them. They probably wot come back but there is still a market out there for a genuine site. Players who know the game are now so suspicious of online it will be a job to convince them abouta site being genuine.
That neither of you got your money back doesn't surprise me. Nor does it surprise me the site didn't play like real poker. In a way I feel sorry for you. You put some money in and got screwed
I think Tom's comment to my post probably is a perfect example of the damage he did and why Gene Gioia probably doesn't want too much to do with him. Too tilty.
ReplyDeleteBefore you accused me of being a shill. Since RD is gone it sort of proves I wasn't, as I am still posting on the realrealdeal forum. Now you accuse me of being a stalker. Please try and grasp some sort of reality.
Here is some reality for you squirrel, I banned maybe 1 person on the real deal poker forums. You were told this time and time again, yet you choose in your reality not to believe me.
ReplyDeleteMore reality for you. This is my personal poker blog for years now.. Here I call it like I see it... Here is how I see it.
You squirrel are a big mouth free roll non poker player with no name. You make a big noise from the shadows.. I'd figure you for someone who makes trouble - never adds anything positive, and is just an asshole. (How close am I squirrel?)
Show us all your final table shots squirrel. show the world what a great free roll poker player you are.
People should consider the source when they read posts by the likes of you. Nothing changes with you. Your agenda is to cause trouble for me/chris and that is all. It's all you do.
Free roll players who never add money to the accounts do little or nothing for a site - nothing. It was one of Genes biggest problems, nobody put money real deal! Nice for free roll bums, not good for a poker site.
If Gene fired more people early on as I suggested, maybe $ would not have been pissed away on not a whole lot.
People reading this will make their own conclusions.. I just hope they know that 99% of what you speak is crap.
Hey Squirrel,
ReplyDeleteHey Tom,
Just like old times huh? lol
Chris, maybe you can take some heat for banning some of the members that has this squirrels panties in a bunch? huh? maybe?
ReplyDeleteIt's okay I'll take your word for it. The forum was a partnership so you are both responsible. You ran it how you wanted, but a number of us thought it harmed RD rather than helped. The attitude didn't help. On here you can call people a pussy, a jerkoff, a stalker, invite them to blow me, or tell them to piss off. That's fine for a personal blog, but it isn't fine if you are trying to help out a new poker site.
ReplyDeleteIt was a very informative piece by Chris, which is why I linked to it from the realdeal forum as it is now. For what it's worth, Ed got a phone call from Gene Giopia and didn't get the impression he was setting out to deceive anyone either. Mr G was very low profile towards the end, possibly because he knew how the site played.
I don't doubt you both worked hard, invested time and money, and followed that dream. I don't doubt you also drummed up some custom for RD. Unfortunately the forum did RD no favours at all. Anyone who reads your reply to my posts will see why. I can manage to put together a post or argument without throwing insults and calling them a pussy or inviting them to blow me. That sort of thing doesn't work if you are promoting a poker site. You said you were separate from RD, which I am sure is true, but Gene had his own thread on there, where he answered questions. The whole forum was supposed to be for promoting RD so you were in effect their mouth piece.
I presume Gene Gioia lost a lot of money too. Not sure what he was thinking about or intending to do becasue the whole thing doesn't seem to make much sense at all. What Chris suggested seems so obvious, and I presume you were saying the same sort of things. So why didn't Mr G follow that good advice? There is a ton of stuff we don't know and never will. It was certainly a very strange affair.
Hi Squirrel
ReplyDeleteJust a couple of points mate:
"Ed got a phone call from Gene Giopia"
The same Ed who spent most of his time going around the tables at RDP badmouthing the RDP to everyone? Several tables at the same time I might add. (He was known for it)
The same Ed who knew we were trying to make a decent forum but repeatedly made it incredibly difficult to get any sort of structure to the forum as he took every thread down the "RDP plays like a RNG"?
Please tell me he doesn't run the new forum and is "in effect their mouth piece"!!!
I would seriously have to question his motives if he is.
I would also seriously have to question Genes sanity if he is having telephone conversations with the man who single handedly and systematically worked his way around every thread at our forum and every table at RDP over an extended period to create doubt about the integrity and honesty of the site to everyone he came across.
Is that guy part of the "small but loyal base"?
"a number of us thought it harmed RD rather than helped"
Perhaps, just perhaps is all I'm saying, all the linking from shills to our forum brought in a few players to see what the fuss was about who no doubt signed up.
"Now they are both criticising him"
What would you do in my shoes squirrel? I have been good to Gene from day 1, I tried (and did) my utmost to help. Now I'm blanked when I try to ask how it’s going. What am I meant to think?
There are a lot of things you don't know that went on during the time when RDP was open, there were a lot of issues with the site that nobody knew about that were causing players to move on, many of which I personally found and reported to Gene and Paul Gambrill.
Not only did Tom and I sign up players, we also highlighted many glitches in the site and software which affected player sign ups and depositing thus stopping players moving on to other sites.
We were getting Emails constantly about player problems which we personally took the time to answer. You see any other affiliates do that anywhere? (They were not even players signed up under us the vast majority of the time for crying out loud!)
We helped guide a lot of people who were having trouble and also reported these problems on top of the ones we dug out ourselves.
We were in action from all angles to help out!
Trust me; we got more players to those tables either directly or indirectly than we ever lost because Tom told someone to blow him.
I got an Email off Gene today, more to Tom I think but I was included. I'll reply to him but it doesn't mean I change my opinion on what is written here. If somebody looks after me, I do my best by that person and will work my bollocks off to help them. If I'm blanked after doing shitloads to help that person succeed then yes, they get a mouthful of honest to god truth.
If RDP comes back up and wants help I'm there, If not or he wants to ban me from affiliation with the site for this dose of reality, that's fine too. I'm not kissing arse when I did nothing wrong. That's my Integrity!
Trying to bury the site by slagging it to every person under the sun and then brown nosing to Gene over the phone…
Not integrity in my book.
Who do you chose to have in your "small but loyal base"?
I know it's Tom's blog, but since you have asked a couple of questions I would like to answer them.
ReplyDeleteYes it's the same Ed who questioned how RD ran. Ed was honest with Mr G, just as you are, and told him what he thought. Ed has not posted on the new site. Anyone who wants to post can post, but there is very little activity as most of us don't expect to see RD back. Some of the British members are arranging live games and I've had discussions with Ed and Jedi about that.
There's a lot I don't know about what went on behind the scenes. Maybe some of it would make sense if I did, but I suspect only Mr G knows the whole truth. My comments are based on how the forum was run, what was said by Tom, and how it was said. It was my point of view which was shared by some but not others. However I do not doubt you put work in and got players to the tables.
There is so much that is so very strange about the whole thing. I have a number of theories about some of it but they are only guesswork, and I will never know for sure.
On your forum I linked to some of the things I had been saying on poker forums for the past six years, because being referred to as a shill was one of the dumbest things I have ever heard given that myself and Luvdoinit were two of the first to say online was rigged. I received a lot of flaming over the years but am quite capapble of dealing with that.
When Tom referred to me (and others) as a shill I asked the question - since he got that wrong then what else has he got wrong? Was it a deliberate lie or a genuine mistake because he needed RD to succeed? I don't know the answer to that one either, but it made me mistrust RD and those involved, from that moment on.
You were both following that dream. I shall now leave Tom to his blog. He may put Jesus on tilt, but I put Tom on tilt. I will suggest that nothning you ever do again will be as strange as RD.
O I want the guy responsible for bringing players to a site.Please contact me at mobilewashpw@hotmail.com .Your hard work has yet to be rewarded my friend.Lose your temper and you will go far.
ReplyDeleteMan.. people are just plain nuts. Nobody has Tom Tilt. Pissed - oh yeah.. a little, Not tilt. (Get over yourself - What I do, I do as fun and as an entertainer 98% of the time.. You don't like the show, turn me off - Simple) I'm glad you are leaving squirrel.. there is no talking to you.. You have an axe to grind and you can grind away buddy. You are not hurting me one bit... I find you funny mostly. As to Gene? Him going from talking to me near everyday to GONE... I have to figure people got in his head.. I suggested he fire people and truth is.. he does not like people suggesting things - Period. It's a total shame, I really like Gene. As to the LAST POST here - I have no idea what you are selling or trying to say.. sorry, maybe you can try posting more info or something..
ReplyDeleteErm... I think he wants to talk to me mate, maybe it's Calvin! :-p
ReplyDeleteWell... If it was Calvin, I think he'd say it. (Maybe not) But go ahead.. check into it if you like. You like money - Go get it and cut me in on the action. (Man... I find all the good stuff for you) NOTICE ANY CHANGES ON MY BLOG? Funny how you miss this stuff. A little elf told me to make some changes. ;) (CALVIN!!!! Is that you???)
ReplyDeleteI noticed, very good mate! (background not too... pokery though! lol)
ReplyDeleteSquirrel, Ed didn't question how RD was run, he STATED live at the tables that it was a random number generator mate.
For the record, I don't think you're a shill. I wasn't getting at that when I mentioned shills earlier.
I think you're usually pretty polite and fair with your opinions (apart from trying to piss Tom off all the time. lol)
Calvin, I sent you an Email mate. lol
I like the new changes to this blog! :)
ReplyDeleteThats you Tom, I know it! lol
no, lol... nope. (but hey, it was only your idea) so - more for you I guess..
ReplyDeleteI am an outsider but I do remember people at the tables saying it was an RNG, but to be honest personal blog or not you all tarnish the name with petty comments and bad ideas, the RDP forum is a joke if people like you ran it no wonder they quickly went under, I believe the only problem RDP had was that they would not employ prop players to give the other players more comp to play against. Plus I spoke to Gene myself and he said he had given money to alot of people to market the brand and when he returned they had spent his millions on nothing. In my opinion if they re-open you should all stay away and let the site be
ReplyDeleteThanks Poker Guru,
ReplyDeleteIt will never happen, me staying away. Then again, I doubt it will ever fly again either. Who allows people to spend millions without some sort of checks/balances? If ever there was a situation for needing "2" signatures on a check it has to be here. You come down on Chris and I when the one who needs a talking to is Mr. Gioia. He's not talking. Let it be. Never.
What tarnishes the name is non payment IMHO.
ReplyDelete@Poker Guru
ReplyDelete"I believe the only problem RDP had was that they would not employ prop players to give the other players more comp to play against."
Good point...
If you completely failed to read the post you're commenting on.
@ Squirrel:
ReplyDelete"It's true that the marketing failed to bring players in their thousands, however they both ignore the damage Tom did on the forum to the few players who were there and who could have built a small but loyal base."
Bollocks! That was covered in full in the post if you read it. The small happy family consisted partially of people putting the knife in to destroy the company. I think trying to build beyond these shills was a good move.
@ Poker Guru
ReplyDelete"petty comments and bad ideas"
Hope your not referring to me to be No2 brown nose to Gene? These were valid comments, the bad ideas already existed. We were trying to help do away with them. Another one didn't read this article? Or just after the nofollow backlink? lol
"I spoke to Gene myself and he said he had given money to alot of people to market the brand and when he returned they had spent his millions on nothing."
No shit! I think I may have mentioned where a lot of it got wasted. Any more enlightening theories or comments?